Under the Authority of Macon Missionary Baptist Church


Macon Christian Academy is a private Missionary Baptist Christian school, which operates under the authority of Macon Missionary Baptist Church. We are approved by the Tennessee Department of Education.


If your child is already enrolled, we only need number three.

If your child has new shots, we need an updated number two. Please note that shots are required for students entering Kindergarten and seventh grades.

1. Copy of Birth Certificate
2. Permanent Tennessee Child Health Record, which includes shot records and the most current physical examination on the appropriate forms from your physician or the health department. Our fax number is 615-688-8132 if you would like to have it faxed. For Kindergarten and all students who have always been homeschooled, a copy of a recent completed school physical is required.
3. A completed application with all applicable signatures
4. Name of school and city of previous school if transferring
5. Must be 4 years old by August 15th to enroll in Pre-K4                               6.Must be 5 years of age by August 15th to enroll in Kindergarten

Abeka Book – Visit www.abeka.com for more information. Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade will continue with the Abeka curriculum. In Grades 3-12, the “Accelerated Christian Education (A. C. E.) curriculum” will be used.  Visit www.aceministies.com for more information. For more information, call 615-688-8131.